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After hours nurse phone line planned for early February

Soon, tribal members with health concerns who can’t wait until the next day will have phone access to a nurse even when their clinic is closed. Patients calling any of the four tribal medical clinics after hours will be able to talk to a live nurse who will listen to them and provide medical guidance.

Depending on the medical situation, the nurse may provide advice over the telephone, recommend a visit with a Sault Tribe medical provider the next day or refer the caller for immediate medical care.

The nurse will also notify the medical clinic of their conversation with the patient to ensure continuity of care.

If tribal members referred by the on-call nurse to seek emergency services are Purchased/ Referred Care (PRC) eligible, PRC will pay for these services.

The Sault Tribe medical team is excited to provide this new service to their patients. “With this new service, patients will be able to seek medical guidance whenever it is needed, even when the clinic is closed,” said the tribe’s medical director, Rebecca Werner MD. “This 24-hour access to medical guidance and services will assure our patients are well cared for.”

It is hoped the services are available by early February.

Tribal members should watch for announcements that the new nursing telephone line has opened.

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