02.10.2025 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Snowshoe Hike
Clinical Nursing Services
Registered nurses work at all of our Tribal Clinics to help care for patients presenting to the clinic for a medical appointment. In addition, the registered nurse staff a ‘nurse only’ schedule to provide on-going care to meet some of the patient needs. The nurse only service provides:
Nurse-only appointments can be scheduled at any of the four main clinics and are available during normal clinic hours. Services are coordinated, in many instances, through a primary care provider order or referral.
Locations for this service:
Sault Ste. Marie Tribal Health Center
2864 Ashmun Street
Sault Ste. Marie , MI 49783
Phone: (906) 632-5200
Fax: (906) 632-5228