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Sault Tribe Health Center patient satisfaction comment board

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02.10.2025 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Our Vision:  A healthy Anishinaabe Nation

Our Mission:  Through education, collaborations, and comprehensive services, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians and community partners will restore balance to our families by combating substance abuse.


What is addiction?

Addiction is a chronic disease no different than Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma or Cancer.

Disease Definition:  A condition that impairs normal functioning, has specific signs and symptoms, and is not directly a result of a physical injury.  In humans, disease is often used to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems or death.


What can be done to combat substance abuse and alcohol dependency?

There is not one single easy step to fighting addiction; there are many different reasons a person may abuse substances.  The Tribe took into account the diverse range of factors that can lead to substance abuse when developing the Tribal Action Plan.  The various departments within the Tribe, organizations within the community, community members, and medical professionals must all be involved and be devoted to the plan. Below you will find some of the areas of concern that will be receiving the devotion needed to help with the addiction crisis

  • Prevention
  • Family and community-driven substance abuse support groups
  • Partner with local organizations
  • Create a referral system for seamless coordination of care
  • Medical detox center access
  • Residential treatment center/transitional living center access
  • Create a therapeutic community
  • Working partnerships with State and Federal drug courts
  • Re-entry drug court program
  • Change the culture of prescribing of opioids
  • Utilize prescription drug monitoring programs and drug screens
  • More physicians take the responsibility of treating addiction
  • Teaching and promoting other forms of pain management
  • Combat the stigma
  • Start young with prevention
  • Role model and engage the youth
  • Change ourselves as a society
  • Choose to help rather than ignore

Helpful research tools:

National Institute on Drug Abuse:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

Prevention Through Health Care
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