
02.10.2025 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Sault Tribe Health Division

Aaniin, we want to welcome you to the Sault Tribe Health Division website.  The Sault Tribe Health Division has 9 health clinics or centers providing various levels of medical services throughout our seven county service area located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Visitors can easily browse and learn of the many great services that we provide to our members.  Here you can learn about our Health Center locations, services that each location offers, find a provider, view health events, along with a wide range of other important information.  We have also provided our members with an informational and entertaining video that gives our members a tour of all of our Health Centers along with learning about the services offered at each location, chi-miigwech.

“The mission of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians is to provide for the perpetuation of our way of life and the welfare and prosperity of our people to preserve our right to self-government and to protect our property and resources as ordained by the establishment of our constitution and bylaws.”

Sault Tribe Health News

Prevention Through Health Care
CDC Vital Signs™ – Learn about the latest public health data. Read CDC Vital Signs™…
Read the just released National Health Report for a snapshot of our progress and status of our nation’s health.
CDC Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging Program Logo Head with Multicolored Brain
Notice of Privacy Practices Grievance Procedure Patient Rights and Responsibilities